Monday, November 28, 2011

The Joys of Bad Joints!

Is it a good thing to walk into an Orthopedic Surgeons office and be greeted by name? I think that most would say that no it isn't. For me though, is sadly natural.

Starting at the young age of 15, my joints started to fail me. Maybe it was because I did a lot of school sports such as: swim team, track team, and the volleyball team.. Or it could have been the fact that I danced nine hours a week on top of that and snow boarded every Sunday.

I will never have the answers to those questions... But ever since I was 15, every time that winter chill starts to come around the corner, I start to hibernate. That small chill as some say, isn't small to me. It makes me feel as if I am 91-years-old instead of only 19!

I start to hibernate inside by the fire because everything slowly starts to get small pains, and suddenly my chronic tendentiousness becomes a lot more noticeable! Bruce (my orthopedic surgeon), says I cope with it all by humor and I haven't the faintest idea why..

Maybe that was a lie. I do know why. There is a thing in life called fun. You might have heard of it sometime or awhile ago. Anyways, I am a firm believer in fun and smiles. Aside from the horrible winter, that if you haven't noticed yet, I HATE!!!! There is a spring and a fall.

I am hoping to locate a video of me learning how to long-board. You might be thinking what does this have to do with bad joints? Well, it has everything to do with it! I learned the sport of long-boarding, only two weeks after my first shoulder surgery. It was so much fun, and would not have been the same if I had had two arms!!/video/video.php?v=1138873438497 - I hope this link works so that you can see the video.. It's kinda funny!

Also, while injured, friends start to act as your driver. Having a driver I found comes in handy, when your parents are trying to keep you locked up and safe!
Brogan, Myself and Jenny, at a lacrosse game the week after my first shoulder surgery. :)
Although I do not advise anyone to have their joints fall apart, and cause you to have 3 surgeries before your even 20.... It has given me just as much good memories as it has bad, and I don't think I would change it at all!

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